How to install Monit on CentOS 5 and monitor httpd & sshd to install Monit on CentOS 5 and monitor httpd & sshd

We will leave the optional web interface out as we do not need it… RPMforge Repository has to be present because monit is not a standard CentOS package. First, we install monit via yum: Then, we set the monit service to autostart on boot: Next, we create a config file to monitor httpd: with the… READ MORE

Installing Nginx With PHP5 And MySQL On CentOS

Installing Nginx With PHP5 And MySQL On CentOS

Nginx (pronounced “engine x”) is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server. Nginx is known for its stability, rich feature set, simple configuration, and low resource consumption. This tutorial shows how you can install Nginx on a CentOS server with PHP5 support (through FastCGI) and MySQL support. 1 Preliminary Note In this tutorial I use the… READ MORE

How to use a custom domain name for your blogger or blogspot?

How to use a custom domain name for your blogger or blogspot?

Blogger offers two free publishing options for your blog: hosting on Blogspot ( and hosting on your own custom domain ( or You can change your publishing option at anytime, and your content will always remain unaltered regardless of which of these options you choose. Now, we’ll walk you through the process of setting… READ MORE

Manual Installation of Nginx in Cpanel Apache in proxy mode

Manual Installation of Nginx in Cpanel Apache in proxy mode

1. In order to get the cPanel server ready for nginx – you must first install an apache module called mod_rpaf Login as root: 2. Doing so will install the module into the Apache module directory. Then Go to your Web Host Manager (WHM) follow the tree here: Main >> Service Configuration >> Apache Configuration… READ MORE


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