Increasing Disk Space in CentOS using LVM Disk Space in CentOS using LVM

LVM (Logical Volume Manager) is a tool in Linux which can help you manage disk drives and partition. Usually it being used in server/computer whereby you can easily re-size the partition, creating snapshots backup, combined all hard disk to be run under one partition and many more. In this case, I already have logical volume… READ MORE

Unblock Your IP – Fix WHM/cPanel cPHulk Brute Force Protection Lock Out Via SSH Your IP – Fix WHM/cPanel cPHulk Brute Force Protection Lock Out Via SSH

Brute force is an attack (hacking) method that involves using an automated system to guess the password to your web server or services. cPHulk provides protection against brute force attacks. One of our clients tries to log into WHM and sees the following message: It looks like a big problem, but in fact all you… READ MORE

Unix / Linux Command For Tracking Down Wasted Disk Space

Unix / Linux Command For Tracking Down Wasted Disk Space

Most sysadmin will run low on disk space. Users will demand more space and you need to free space. You will find out files that’s a waste of space and delete it or move to an archive medium. But, how do you find the right files to delete that can help recover maximum space? Say… READ MORE

How to install Monit on CentOS 5 and monitor httpd & sshd to install Monit on CentOS 5 and monitor httpd & sshd

We will leave the optional web interface out as we do not need it… RPMforge Repository has to be present because monit is not a standard CentOS package. First, we install monit via yum: Then, we set the monit service to autostart on boot: Next, we create a config file to monitor httpd: with the… READ MORE


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