Domain Name Price change on July 1st 2013 (.net and .org) Name Price change on July 1st 2013 (.net and .org)

Due to imminent Registries price increases for .net and .org domains, we are forced to adjust our prices effective July 1st 2013 as well. Our prices will change proportionally to the corresponding increase at the Registry level, so you can be insured that you will always get the best value from us. Note that we… READ MORE

Install Streaming Server (Red5) With cPanel/WHM – CentOS Streaming Server (Red5) With cPanel/WHM – CentOS

The description and tips are not bulletproof, however it was proven to work on all cPanel (CentOS Linux) servers since now. We did install it on five servers, we also got positive feedback form several customers and companies. Follow the instructions and Red5 will work on most Linux CentOS servers (most cPanel/WHM, VPS or dedicated)…. READ MORE

June 2013 Sale 35% 2013 Sale 35%

Use this coupon code “JUNE35%” at our website ( ) and get a 35% discount on all of our shared and resellers hosting offers. ——— Offer valid until 30 June 2013.

Installing lighttpd on Ubuntu lighttpd on Ubuntu

On a VPS with 512 MB of RAM, installing a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) and the trimmings (eaccelerator @ 40MB, memcached @ 40MB) eats up a LOT of RAM (in my particular case, about 480 MB). In an attempt to bring the amount of RAM usage down, I was looking through the results… READ MORE


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