Brute force is an attack (hacking) method that involves using an automated system to guess the password to your web server or services. cPHulk provides protection against brute force attacks. One of our clients tries to log into WHM and sees the following message: It looks like a big problem, but in fact all you… READ MORE
This tutorial will show you how to setup a 2048-Bit SSL certificate in Kloxo (LxAdmin). Kloxo Currently does not support creating 2048-bit CSR’s via the Planel. So we will need shell into the system to create the CSR. 1. Generate your Key I recommend downloading “putty” to use to SSH into your server (… READ MORE
Most sysadmin will run low on disk space. Users will demand more space and you need to free space. You will find out files that’s a waste of space and delete it or move to an archive medium. But, how do you find the right files to delete that can help recover maximum space? Say… READ MORE
We will leave the optional web interface out as we do not need it… RPMforge Repository has to be present because monit is not a standard CentOS package. First, we install monit via yum: Then, we set the monit service to autostart on boot: Next, we create a config file to monitor httpd: with the… READ MORE