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On a VPS with 512 MB of RAM, installing a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) and the trimmings (eaccelerator @ 40MB, memcached @ 40MB) eats up a LOT of RAM (in my particular case, about 480 MB). In an attempt to bring the amount of RAM usage down, I was looking through the results… READ MORE
LVM (Logical Volume Manager) is a tool in Linux which can help you manage disk drives and partition. Usually it being used in server/computer whereby you can easily re-size the partition, creating snapshots backup, combined all hard disk to be run under one partition and many more. In this case, I already have logical volume… READ MORE
cPanel is a web based control panel tool which will help you manage your web hosting account through a web interface instead of a console. With cPanel you are able to accomplish your tasks faster and even non-professionals can easily set their websites via cPanel. In order to run the cPanel software you must first… READ MORE